Parents have to fill the form in capital letter.
- Birth Certificate (Xerox copies)
- Aadhar Card (Xerox copies)
- Cast Certificate (if applicable) (Xerox copies)
- Two recent passport size photographs of the student.
- Original Leaving certificate, Mark sheet of the previous school.
- The name and date of birth of the student once recorded in the admission form and school register cannot be changed later.
- Admission will be confirmed only when student is paid Admission fees.
Eligibility for admission in various classes are given below:
Play Group
2 yrs, Complete
3 yrs, Complete
4 yrs. Complete
Passed in JR.KG.
5 yrs. Complete
1st Std
Passed in SR.KG.
6 yrs. Complete
Note: To complete 4 years means child should be born on or before 31st August. Similarly same rule will be applicable till std. 7th .
Monday to Friday – 10.00 am to 1.00 pm (Only on working days in school office.)
Saturday – 10.00 am to 12.00 pm (Only on working days in school office.)
- Fees are accepted in the form of Cash/ Cheque and Online.
- Cheque to be made payable to ‘……………..’’ and marked ‘’A/c Payee Only’’.
- Please ensure that the child’s name, Class & Mobile No. is mentioned on the reverse of the cheque.
- If the fees not received by the above mentioned dates, late payments shall be charged @ Rs.10/- for each day. .
- Cheque returned by bank on which it is drawn, for any reason whatsoever shall be treated as non -payment of dues and an additional amount of Rs.500/- shall be charged as cheque return charges along with the late fees.
1st Quarter (April-June)
2nd Quarter (July-Sep)
3rd Quarter (Oct-Dec.)
4th Quarter (Jan.-March)
School fee
Before 10th April
Before 10th July
Before 10th Oct.
Before 10th Jan.
- It is not mandatory for the school to send reminders for the fees dues. Parents need to follow the due dates as mentioned above.
- Fees once paid are nonrefundable.
School Rules
A candidate who has attended any recognized school cannot be admitted without a leaving certificate from the school he/she has last attended and in case of candidates who have been studying outside the U.T. of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, this certificate must be countersigned by the Inspector of School of the State from which they come.
- A candidate who joins fresh from home or from a private school has to produce and Official Birth Certificate (such as Municipal or Panchayat Certificate) in support of the date of birth entered in the Admission Form.
- Name of Pupils who have been absent from school for a long period without notice will be struck off from the rolls on the last day of the month.
- Students who do not attend school on the re-opening day after vacation may have to pay the entrance fees again, unless prior notification.
- A months notice is to be given by Parents / Guardian before the withdrawal of a pupil or else full fees for the period will be charged. Leaving Certificates will be issued free of charge within a year of leaving. Those who leave in the month of April must pay their fees upto the month of May. Leaving certificate will be issued after 15 days of application submitted.
- In case of illness the principal should be inform with the leave application and a Medical certificate.
- If parents wants to take the child during school hour it is granted only after 2 period.